The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Fine Dining

Dear O'H dear,

Youngest Mini Princess came home from school looking quite despondent.

'We made lentil soup today in Home Ec. It's RUBBISH'

I assured her that it was probably delicious and I couldn't wait to try it. They only make enough for a small bowl so I figured that even it was a bit in the bland side, at least there wouldn't be much to battle through.

I had one mouthful. It wasn't delicious. Really, it wasn't. Or bland. Even in supportive mum mode, I was unable to face consuming any more of the foul potion.

'Erm, what happened?'

'The teacher said to use one or two of the stock cubes so I chucked in two. I didn't realise that she had chopped some into quarters and she meant us to use THEM

Oh, and I accidentally put in the carrot peelings too'

I suspect my blood pressure may have doubled and I am unlikely to pee for about a week.


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