The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Up Here For Finking

Dear O'H Great Giver of Presents,

Sometimes I get a bit bored when they are out, but today they left me a puzzle to keep me occupied. I am a very clever boy. I knew I'd have the measure of it in no time.

It was a box. With lightening speed, I managed to get it open to find a new toy inside. I was awesome. It had shiny bits and little sticks to chew. I played with it for aaaages. I left it on the floor to show them how clever I am.

The Prince came home first. He was so impressed that he sent a message to Princess Giver Of Food…

'F@@@ing dog chewed my glasses'

Maybe he can't spell Finking?

Later on, a man at the door gave a big box to one of the Omega Princesses (you know - the substitutes she had before she could get a REAL dog) which she put in the hall.

I thought I'd be helpful and open it for them. I munched through the side and opened the bag inside. I couldn't believe it. They had laid on a surprise buffet to celebrate me being such a good boy. It was a huge bag of my favourite food.

I had managed to have a lovely snack before the Prince came and took it away. He said words I didn't understand.

The Princess came home and took me for a walk in the dark up the hill. I LOVED bolting off to chase rabbits, but I wanted the Princess to have fun too so we started playing Hide and Seek. I hid; she was the seeker. I am much better at that game than her. It took her ages to find me in the long grass. She even had to put her torch on. I don't want to gloat but I was definitely the winner.

I hear it will be a while until our next walk. I will miss your visits but a regular sausage naan delivery would help ease the pain. Yes it would. Yes it would.


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