The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Limping Along

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today was one of those ‘meh’ days. I am worried about how my injured leg will hold up for the half marathon on Sunday as it’s still sore. I am going for the denial approach. If I pretend it’s not happening, then it’s not happening. I have applied this excellent coping mechanism in the past to a variety of situations including being drunk, putting on weight and dealing with tw@ts at work.

Thankfully I am now ‘tapering’. Officially this means barely running the week before the event and to ‘carb load’ in the last couple of days. My interpretation of this has been to sit on the sofa and eat crisps* and nuts. It’s a bit like being pregnant. Anything goes.


*they are potatoes which are definitely carbs, ergo good for me. So there.

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