The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Is it a Bird, Is it a Plane? No it's Super Nat

Its been a good day and a day of day of firsts for 2013.

It's been the first lovely day of the year, almost spring like and it's only the middle of February. That in turn meant it's also the first time this year the washing was hung outside which meant I enjoyed that first smell of "fresh washing" when I brought it in. Finally, its been the first time this year many of your have taken to the roads, footpaths and hills in order to get a few miles under your belt for our first Kiltwalk of the year which is Hampden to Loch Lomond on 21st April.

What started as a trickle of walkers yesterday, turned into an avalanche today and our Facebook feed has been bombarded with pictures and stories of your efforts and we've loved them all.

Before I talk about todays picture I just wanted to quickly mention that many of you seem to be taking on long training walks leading to pulled or tweaked this or that along with the dreaded blisters. My words of advice with 9 weeks to go are (1) if you're not an experienced walker, build up slowly as we still have 63 days to go. I would also peak around 20 miles cause if you can walk 20, you'll easily walk 26 on Kiltwalk day. (2) It's all about the socks. Get the right type of walking socks and most of those blisters will be banished, promise.

So onto todays Blipfoto picture of Oor Natalie. Natalie took part in her first Kiltwalk last year and we had some good pre Kiltwalk banter on Twitter which meant it was easy to hook up on the day and we walked a mile or so together. I can also remember meeting her after we had both finished and you could see the delight on her face at finishing and achieving her goal, so it's great to see her back this year.

Todays picture was taken up in the Kilpatrick Hills, high above Dumbarton and we couldn't resist nicking this picture of Natalie "planking" on top of a cairn. It's a great picture, however if you look Natalie Stirling up on Facebook, you'll see the photo's taken as Natalie was attempting to get into position :-)

Look forward to seeing you on the 21st Natalie and keep posting the pictures.

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