
By stuartjross


First, I can't believe how long I have wasted trying to upload to blip today. I even switched browsers in case there was an issue with Chrome.

We took our guys for a quick, pre Roy Bridge School Coffee Morning, stretch at Achaderry.

We met our neighbour, A, with his lovely young Springer Spaniel called Lexie. She is youthful and energetic and very fast. While Caley is fast in a more predicatble way Lexie runs in circles turns quickly one way and then the next and is very difficult to photograph.

This is Lexie in one of the few images that didn't have her running behind legs or our own dogs. A doesn't do anything by half measures and is continuously training Lexie (this all goes out the window when there is fun to be had playing with Bruce and Caley). This serious side of dog ownership of course extends to good exercise and diet too and we took it as praise indeed when A passed positive comment about the physique of Bruce and Caley. Thankfully he didn't ask if we could get Caley to sit at distance because we haven't cracked that one yet.

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