White(?) Comfrey

Staggering about in the no-mow-May rail cutting I came across these white Comfrey plants on the slope facing the morning sun.  I'm not convinced about the variety but the habitat notes on the RHS web site agree with the ground I found them in.  We didn't plant them and as I understand it, they are a non native garden escapee ... which I suppose makes them wild?   What with the long grass, the breeze and my hay fever this was about the best I was going to get today!  At least down in the cutting the plants are more sheltered and although not still, far easier to photograph than in the garden up at 'ground level'. 

Aside from the breeze, it is a fine and sunny day here. Not sure why, but I spent part of the morning sorting out the photographs on Gill's choir's web site.  I suppose I have an interest in that they are my photos, but like many things post pandemic it needs a tidy up and web sites are not one of my strong suits.  It is at least on Square Space so fairly straightforward and they have a few videos on You Tube I can watch.

Thanks to Miranda 1008 for Wild Flower Week, and to BikerBear for Flower Friday.

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