Honk If You Want To Park..

Another very hot and humid day here, spent mostly indoors with occasional forays into the garden to pull a few weeds for yard waste pick-up tomorrow and, being Wednesday, with what I thought would be a quick trip up to the farmers' market..but nothing is ever simple it seems...

You would think that the least challenging part of a quick stop at the market would be paying for the parking....you know - put the coin in, get the ticket, place the ticket in the car and run ...because that's what the huge sign over the pay station says..Easy peasy...but when you get there, not so...

Seems you can no longer pay by cash ..and you cannot pay by credit card either...there will be no ticket to display on your dash;  you must pay with an app on your smart phone! 

Say what? An app?  Called HONK? Never heard of it...but I have no choice? I must pay with an app I do not have and didn't even realize I needed. 

Never fear - the instructions on how to get this app, how to register by entering all your personal, credit card and licence plate information, how to choose how much time you want and finally how to pay are also posted for your convenience...

All this in the scorching heat of the day on what was to be a quick stop...I was one of the lucky ones...I have a smart phone..many don't...and I had no children crying and tugging at my pant leg whilst I figured out how to download the app and learn how to use it!...

By the time I had chosen my time, and figured out how to actually pay for it, most of my allotted parking time was spent explaining how to download the app to the next confused person in line..and I had to start all over again! 

So, I did not have a honking good time at the market today! After all that time spent in the hot mid-day sun learning to park, I came home with only a bouquet of dried lavender in honour of the lavender fields I had not been able to visit during my latest medical adventure....but apparently HONK will make my parking life easier now.?. so perhaps it was all worth it? 

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