Rockley markets

We went to the Rockley markets this morning with some of the family. It’s years since we went out there even though it’s only 33km south of Bathurst. Rockley is a small village with a couple of streets and a sportsground where people gathered to sell their wares. On the way out I twisted my knee (it gets out of alignment every now and then). I hobbled around before sitting down for a coffee. When I got up I couldn’t put any weight on it and Bob had to drive the car in to collect me as it was too far to hop.  I might have felt foolish but the pain was bad enough I didn’t care. I have it strapped up tonight and Bob cooked dinner. 

We don’t go out much. This is the first time we have filled the car up with fuel since September ( Bryan borrowed it at one time and filled it up). That’s when we returned from the coast with the caravan. 

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