The Calm...

………………………….Between Storms

It’s been a turbulent day weather wise - sunshine, severe rain, wind, a dramatic thunder storm, lightening and a tornado. 

Fifty homes have been damaged in the tornado. Forestry trees fell or snapped like matchsticks or were shredded in the violent wind.

Travellers on state highway 60 between Richmond and Nelson had to queue because huge pine trees had fallen across the road - we were one of those delayed while the road was cleared to one lane allowing for slow traffic movement. See my extra photos.

This link covers the weather event in more detail.

My main photo was taken from beside the bypass road looking towards the Moutere Hills area. All too soon the weather deteriorated again and for much of the evening we were serenaded with thunder. All is quiet again as I write this.

Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Japanese anemone with the quirky petals. I will catch up with blip tomorrow. 

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