The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Grim Swim

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

To be honest, my day didn’t start well. I went for a pee when I got up and my phone fell into the loo. Right into my own pee.

I told The Prince later. “It’s lucky your phone is waterproof,” he said.

“It’s luckier that it wasn’t a poo.”

“I love our chats,” he groaned.

Other than that, I had a very chilled Sunday. It was pouring and it’s been a busy few days so I was happy to sit in my bubble, reading my book. It’s a bank holiday tomorrow so we went out for a bite to eat (and Kitty Cat joined us for a drink). Sunday drinks - a throwback to my twenties. It was always my favourite night of the week to go out.


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