The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

We were in Banchory most of the day. On the way back, we passed LOADS of lambs.

Lambs are ridiculously cute. I did contemplate stealing one and bringing it home as a friend for Murphy but then I remembered that:

1. Illegal
2. Lambs grow into sheep

Sheep are as uncute as lambs are cute. I suspect the biggest insult you could give a lamb is “you are the spitting image of your mum/dad”. Anything with dingleberries swinging from its bum. Just no.

As we were heading down the road, Kitty Cat and Marsh messaged to say they had a child free evening and were going to the pub. Obviously we had to keep them company!


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