86 F/ 30 C

It is another
fabulous morning to love
in the sunshine now


I was in McArthur Island Park just after 7 AM. The morning almost got ahead of me today. 

I drove in at the east entrance, taking note that the water level on the east side of the slough had come up dramatically since I was last by this way. We've had considerable melt already with the sudden warm days we've had recently. It's brought the river up, which in turn feeds the slough. 

Over on the north side near the Butterfly Garden I spied a pair of Canada geese ushering their goslings about. The little ones pecked the ground constantly, under the watchful eyes of their parents. 

I drove over to the south side to look for marmots. There were several out sunning themselves along the Rivers Trail. 

The river has gained volume and looks wide now. A great deal of debris is coming down the river. There is a trail of cottonwood seeds on the surface. They are white and fluffy and blow in the wind. 

I met up with T, my favourite bank teller and a quilter, who walks the Rivers Trail daily in all weather. She shared with me the recent loss of her husband. We had a tearful hug. 

I picked up some groceries on the way home. I'm in for the day with more stitching to do. 

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