
We finished off our behind the scenes tour this morning after we docked in Cádiz with a trip to the bridge. We met the captain and had the workings of the bridge explained by the charming Scottish third officer and the engineering supervisor.

I’ve woken up with a runny nose and a bit of a scratchy throat which is not too surprising as there are lots of coughs and sneezes to be heard all over the shop but I managed to drag myself off the ship and into the town centre for a look around.,

A miscommunication in what was a nice wee cafe in a sunny square meant my order wasn’t processed so no toast to accompany my coffee. The waitress must have been having a bad day as she was quite rude to almost every customer.

After a nice look around the wee streets we found a tapas bar and enjoyed some with a glass of wine for lunch.

Decided we’d eat in the buffet and try to stay away from others as I was sneezing a lot by the time we got back on the ship.

We were due to leave at 6 but were still attached to the fueling barge at 8 and eventually left around midnight at what seemed like a very slow speed after we left port. We were still awake as we watched Downton Abbey a new era on the pool deck snuggled under blankets and it didn’t finish till 11.30.

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