
I finally was told I could go to visit my Dad around 6 PM yesterday. There were complications with fitting his pacemaker, and his blood pressure was also very low. They said he'd need further work done on the pacemaker this morning.

It had helped though and when I went up last night his heart rate was in a normal range and he looked so much better than when I previously saw him. He was very tired though. I have called them again today and they've checked the device again and decided it is working well, requiring no further action.

Estelle contacted me to see how he is doing. She's looking after Princess. I had assumed this meant that she was popping round to feed her, let her out and maybe walk her but she's actually taken her round to her house. She's getting on very well with Alsatian Max, and is enjoying the fuss from Estelle's daughters.

Today I've done a few little jobs and had a quick walk around the Arbo where I saw this squirrel! It was squawking at me!

I will be popping up to see Dad again now and then hopefully meeting Bri to get a bit of shopping. (I've not told him yet!) I had bought nothing to eat for me as I'd assumed I'd be working, haha! 

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