Craig Bloody Rossie

The ‘bloody’ is inserted cos it was a horrendous descent!

I knew there was a reason that I’d only did this climb once before (when I was 13 with the guides) due to the coming down maybe….

When we started off it was only 14 degrees and cloudy and I was dressed for that. But then half way round the side the sun came out and I moaned a lot about , yes, it being ‘too hot’ or rather I wasn’t dressed for hot weather with black leggings on. I also had no sun tan lotion. Anyway, we reach the top and then we went down the sheer way which was wrong. Should have walked round the back and side cos even although i had the walking poles my knees weren’t happy.

We got down and drove straight to Kisa’s and sat out for some food.

Home for gardening and potting as it was such a lovely evening.

Every time I pass this hill on the A9 now I will swear at it ! Lol

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