Border Morris at The Oaks

As per tradition, it was the annual Oaks Spring Fair today on Bank Holiday Monday. We were able to park in the disabled car park but I still had to walk the length of the field to get to the church hall where tea and cake were being served. I was quite impressed by how I managed on crutches.

Sadly, I didn't get to see a lot of the attractions because of the difficulties in walking but as you can see from the photo, I was in pole position for viewing the Border Morris group that danced in the church car park. The had to contend with peals of bells from the church as well as agonised sound system testing from an aged group setting up in the tent. 

The fair seems bigger than ever with displays of farm machinery, steam traction engines and classic cars. Lots of stalls serving food. We really liked the chicken paella on offer.

Lots of dogs, very keen to interact with each other. Basil stayed calm. And the sun finally came out. Fabulous day.

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