Falls of Lora, Loch Etive from the Connel Bridge

Today's weather has given us a wonderful start to our summer holiday. On the A85 just north of Lochearnhead, the clouds suddenly melted away to give us wall-to-wall blue sky and sunshine the rest of the day. It's lovely and warm too: 24 degrees when we ate our lunch outside the Green Welly Stop in Tyndrum, and still balmy this evening when we enjoyed the salads that I made this morning for our supper on a bench by the harbour in Oban.

I photographed the Falls of Lora from Connel Bridge as Mr hazelh and I travelled by bike from Benderloch to Oban. We have left our car in the drive of Mr hazelh's uncle's house in Benderloch for the next few days.

We are staying in Oban for one night at Maridon House (also favoured by SallyMair). It's very close to the pier and all the CalMac ferries. This is very useful since we need to board a boat just after 6:00am tomorrow.

Exercise today: 10.5 mile cycle ride; walking (9,418 steps).

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