Ysgol y rhyddhad

Ysgol y rhyddhad ~ The ladder of liberation

“The better images occur when you’re moving to the fringes of your own understanding. That's where self-doubt and risk taking are likely to occur. It’s when you trust what’s happening at a non-intellectual non-conscious level that you can produce work that later resonates, often in a way that you can’t articulate a response to.”
― Jerry Uelsmann

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Aethon ni i Radur heddiw - i Pugh's Garden Centre - ar ein beiciau. Aethon ni i fyny'r Daith Taf ac mae datblygiadau diddorol yna. Oherwydd bod trydaneiddio'r rheilffyrdd mae nawr bont go iawn dros y rheilffordd. Maen mwy diogel na chroesi ar groesfan reilffordd. Fel arfer dydw i ddim yn hoffi gweld adeiladu ffyrdd yng nghefn gwlad ond mae hon yn edrych fel syniad da.

Aethon i i'r tŷ bwyta i gael cinio. Rydyn ni'n wastad yn hapus gyda'r ansawdd y bwyd yna a'r cyfeillgarwch y staff hefyd. Mae'n lle da iawn i ymweld.

Ar ôl cinio aethon ni i brynu blodau. Roedden ni fwynhau edrych ar y blodau ar werth yn Pughs. Maen nhw wedi mynd i lawer o drafferth i wneud cyflwyniad da. Gallech chi fynd jyst i fwynhau'r arddangos. Heddiw roedd Nor'dzin yn chwilio ar blanhigion gwely a gwnaethon ni lenwi ein paniers gyda llawer o flodau.

Mae Bwdhas ym mhobman -  mae'n ymddangos bod pobl yn eu hoffi. Roedd hwn wrth ymyl y bwyty. Roeddwn i'n hoffi'r cyfosodiad Bwdha ac ysgol - fel pe bai roedd e'n addysgu ffordd i ddringo allan o anfoddhaol bywyd, neu rywbeth.

(Yn ddiddorol, mae’r gair Cymraeg ‘ysgol’ yn golygu ‘school’ ac ‘ladder’.)

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We went to Radur today - to Pugh's Garden Center - on our bikes. We went up the Daith Taf and there are interesting developments there. Due to the electrification of the railways there is now a real bridge over the railway. It is safer than crossing at a railway crossing. I usually don't like to see roads built in the countryside but this looks like a good idea.

We went to the restaurant to have lunch. We are always happy with the quality of the food and the friendliness of the staff as well. It is a very good place to visit.

After lunch we went to buy flowers. We enjoyed looking at the flowers for sale at Pughs. They have gone to a lot of trouble to make a good presentation. You could just go and enjoy the display. Today Nor'dzin was looking for bedding plants and we filled our panniers with lots of flowers.

Buddhas are everywhere - people seem to like them. This was next to the restaurant. I liked the juxtaposition of Buddha and ladder - as if he was teaching a way to climb out of the unsatisfactoriness of life, or something.

(Interestingly, the Welsh word 'ysgol' means 'school' and 'ladder'.)

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun Bwdha y tu ôl i ysgol
Description (English): Buddha statue behind a ladder

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