Tennessee Vacation ...

… day 6.  And final day in Tennessee.

The weather forecast for the next few days is calling for lots and lots of rain.  And based on that we have decided to return home a day early … even though today is our wedding anniversary!

Since we are only travelling halfway home (to Virginia) today we thought we would have time to go back to the Plateau Discovery Gardens that we visited yesterday … which we did.  And I’m glad we did but it made for a very long day as the traffic travelling to Virginia turned out to be horrendous. 

At the Discovery Gardens they were setting up for their annual plant sale so there was lots of activity.  Much to the dismay of the Killdeer pictured in the upper left.  Unfortunately, she had set up her nest in the stones in close proximity to the pavilion that the plant sale was to be taking place the next day.  The organizers had set up a barrier around her to protect her from all the activity … but she is still going to in the hub of it all.  I hope she made it through okay … but we will never know as we won’t be there tomorrow to find out. 

The hummingbird picture is my first of the year!  I’m rather pleased with it since it was taken handheld with Richard’s camera with the heavy 600mm lens attached.  We spent just over an hour here before heading back to the condo to pack up and check out a day early. One of the things we almost always do on vacation if a beach is available is draw a heart to put our initials and year in it … as seen in the upper right picture. 

We were checked out of the resort by 1:00 pm and on our way.  The travel time to our hotel in Virginia was only supposed to be about six hours … but as I said earlier the traffic was horrendous.  We didn’t actually get to our hotel until almost 11:00 pm!  Pictured in the bottom middle is the cause of just one of the delays.  We might have been delayed but at least our day went better than this driver!  And even though our day was much longer than it should have been I’m very grateful to have made it safely to our hotel for the night.  But it’s not how I would have liked to spend our anniversary.  The ironic thing is we checked the weather back at the resort location and it was sunny all day … no rain in sight! 

Happy 39th Anniversary, my love!  I’m grateful to have been able to spend the day with you … even if most of it was spent in the car!  ♥♥♥

Backblipped: July 18, 2023 … almost home.


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