
By Winsford

Order .....

There is a definite art to how you leave your clothes once removed when open water swimming - the key point being to have the things you will need first at the top of your bag so you can get dressed quickly.  Today's efforts earned me 13 mins of aerobic activity ! 

It was another lovely morning for a swim and there must be have been over 20 of "taking the waters" and then repairing to the Dam Visitor Centre Cafe for refreshments and chat. 

I was also delighted to find that the picture I took prior to Monday's swim was included in this week Pictures of Scotland.  I'd sent it in following a suggestion from hazelh

Last night's Gaelic class was really good - we seem to have stepped up a gear and a key element of each class is taking turns in reading a prepared script on a set topic and then asking questions. The later is the hardest part and I think I need to plan possible ones in advance. Yesterday I spoke about my one and only experience of a football match when I was younger.  Well it makes a change from discussing the relative merits of Scottish Ballet and NDT .... 

Have a lovely weekend all. 

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