
By JennyOwen

Quince blossom

After yesterday's marathon granny stint, and very early bedtime, I did sleep for a blissful 9+ hours.  Very unusual for me, generally I'm lucky to manage somewhere between 6 and 7 hours.  I woke up to what is - from my point of view - good news in terms of our local election results. Our own local Labour Party candidate got in, replacing a Green (the Greens locally having proved rather a mixed proposition).
A good thing too, as I was back with Simone for much of the morning.  This week has been good for the two of us: she's happy and relaxed with me generally, but extra time together has given us a chance to evolve some really nice little routines between us.  At 11 months old, she loves to crawl around energetically - and most of all, she loves conversations. Conversations composed of exchanging various sung or spoken sounds, assorted raspberries and other noises, and funny faces. I love following the evolution in her repertoire. She's pretty close to saying 'cat', and versions of 'mum' are on the way too (yes, this might be wishful thinking on my part...) She's already very good at the turn-taking that underlies so much future development, both verbally and behaviourally. Yes, proud Nana thoughts :-)
So we had fun together.  Then Jack finished his MA work session just after 11, and I went straight off for an 11.30 haircut. And from there to the dentist, for one of the follow-ups that I usually dread with the gum health specialist.
To my huge relief, there was no 'deep clean' today, just a reassessment and an x-ray.  There may be a  need for more treatment, but I'll find that out next week.
It'll be a quiet evening, including some catching up on Blip. Thanks to everyone who's left stars, hearts and comments while I've been busy and a bit unresponsive.

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