
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 71/88
Main activity: Fri - Lots
Notes: Was up thru the night several times and then finally got up ~430a-ish and did some work. Was able to sleep a little more after 6a. Hot night, got the place to cool down a little but was back up to 77 when I finally got up. Long-ish morning Zoom w/ Susan to finalize the OUTies tix voucher design. Created the printable sheet for 1 and sent to library - walked over and printed. To pool then for a bit - just stinkin' hot. Hearing from Jana and still had to create the other 2 version of the voucher tix so left the pool for that and to create 3 ArtOUT flyers for Jana to send to the Gulfport Library to print and hang. Already 1p by then! Talked to Dad mid afternoon - nice conversation and one of the longest. Walked back over to library to print out the other 2 voucher sheets to take to Susan. Left a little after 4p, stopped by an artist's place in Gulfport to get his submission fee and then on to Susan's by 5p. Ellen showed up shortly after. We were there a bit (Susan's place on the water) and then walked down to Beach Blvd, stopped at a restaurant, they ate and I had Laguinitas IPNA -so good on a hot day! We continued walking then down Beach Blvd to the Brenda McMahon gallery anniversary party before walking back - cooling down a little and some breeze. Back at Susan's, she asked for help connecting her PC to the tv to watch the WNBA from her league pass app - took us a bit but we got it going tho not a smooth stream. Ellen left and I stayed until about 920p before heading back. Late shower and streamed a show and 1/2 and couldn't stay awake. Got up once and saw a big cockroach in my bedroom in the rug, I went and grabbed a cup and got back as it was crawling up the side of the platform bed - really unnerving ... put it outside. So hot in the place - opened up and didn't turn the AC on.

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