
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 7
Main activity: Sat - Thrift store, work, pool, relaxing
Notes: Odd day after weird signs yesterday (foot cut from mulch, Dad phone call & praise!, and then out w/ Susan & Ellen in Gulfport last night ... later was a live cockroach in my bedroom that ran straight for the bed and started climbing up the side. I got it and put it outside before it got any further but freaked me out! And just feeling a bit out of it most of the day today ... and so tired! Thrift store in the morning - as it's gotten good and hot already, realized I don't have many of the cotton clothing items since I dumped all the purely toxic fabrics. Did find 3 or 4 pairs of shorts (shocker) and a shirt or 2 - should've taken a pic there but didn't think of it. Did a load of laundry and some work on a new design that will go in a print publication. Finally around 130-2p, decided I needed some fresh air and went to the pool. Very hot but got in a couple times and used the shower to cool off, also some time at a table under the umbrella - was nice and some people there (another place I could've gotten a pic but ??). Back and shower and then ate late, just after 3p: the last salmon patty from the big batch I did awhile back, with sauteed zucchini - yummy! Also had a glass of juiced veggies and then some little stuff after. Quite hot and finally turned on the AC ~ 330p.

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