Living my dream

By Mima

Bean update (the other ones)

I picked the mature Muriel's Magic bean pods today. It's a big crop: a bucket and a half. 

I was surprised how many pods are still quite green, but I can't leave them on the plants; with the chance of a reasonable frost tonight they would rot.

So I shall pod the beans out of the green pods and use them straightaway. I feel a batch of Mima Baked Beans coming on. Yum.

I spent the morning in K's garden which was predictably emotional. Tears weren't far away the whole time. I tidied it up and made it look as good as possible. There will be a lot of people visiting over the next couple of weeks and I want it to do K credit. I even removed spiders' webs and cleaned all the sculptures and other artworks. 

I have always enjoyed her garden and it will be even more of a labour of love when I work in it from now on.

Late addition of the extra: a lovely sunset this evening.

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