Living my dream

By Mima


I have no idea what happened here, but something gave this fence a fair old whack to uproot it like this. It was nothing to do with the machine across the bridge: I asked and the driver shrugged in ignorance.

Today is May 7th which means I spent the afternoon (in glorious sunshine) sowing 25 garlic, 15 elephant garlic, 37 multiplying onions and 60 broadbeans in two raised beds. 

They are all watered in and now covered with frost fleece. The fleece is less to protect the seeds (and then the plants) from frosts, and more to prevent marauding blackbirds biffing them out of the soil.

I also cleared away the dead cucumber plants from the tunnel and found an unexpected cucumber hidden under the foliage. What a treat. I finished the final dish of tsatsiki last night and I have enjoyed a fresh bowl this evening, laden with crushed garlic.

12 silverbeet seedlings have replaced the cucumbers, to grow over winter and provide me and the chooks with delicious greens in spring.

It is wonderful to be setting up the next season's food supply.

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