
By ArcLight

Contains references to hazelh

I chose this blip of part of the garden for today, as it contains the lupin which we brought up from Tain (which was grown from seed by hazelh - see comments on this blip), which is now doing well in the garden. We have a number of other lupins, but none of them (yet, as far as I can see) are self-seeded. However, I did spread the lupin seed liberally round the garden last autumn, so you never know!

Also in the picture is a fox glove which we bought last year and which clearly has ambitions for world domination, a peony and a honeysuckle which we also got last year, a hellebore that arrived from Edinburgh and is very happy in the Tain garden (we've had it about 3 years, I would say) and finally some periwinkles we transplanted from the back garden. Also very happy.

We started the day in Tain, and my day included a potter down to the Links whilst participating in an early doors meeting about the occupation, to check out the new Gizzen Briggs Fairies interpretation board. It will doubtless feature another time on blip. We set off as soon as I'd finished my meetings, but it was a pretty awful journey back because there was so much traffic. Ordinarily, I would have waited until this evening to drive back, as the evenings are now long, but I needed to get back so I could go to the first of the Gifford Lectures by Cornel West. It was interesting, and he is an impressive performer, but it was far far too hot in the room. I was literally dripping with sweat. I left after the lecture, and before the Q&A and the reception.

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