By greengirl


Another lake today, this one is Crummock Water. I walked along its shores from Buttermere, to Scale Force (extra) which is the longest waterfall in the Lake District. It was gloriously cool by the waterfall and I was tempted to abandon my plans to walk up Mellbreak (the hill to the left in this photo) but I did get up it in the end, one foot in front of another :-)

I didn't get to sleep last night until almost midnight as I was transfixed by the amazing Aurora. It started with wisps of pale green light dancing around in the north, and over the next hour built up to a psychedelic display of bright pinks and greens all over the sky. Apparently this is the strongest geomagnetic storm since 1952 and I'm sure it has affected me as I felt goosed going up Mellbreak and still feel a bit strange...

Blipper Kentboy has mentioned the famous Rannerdale bluebells, which bring hundreds of people to the "Secret Valley". I could see them from Rannerdale Knott this morning. There were also many beautiful patches of bluebells along the side of Crummock Water.

I'm home now and have had a shower and its time for tea :-)

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