
By Incredibish

Mono Monday: People (do the craziest things!)

You know you're loved when you say "it's getting on and I haven't even got a blip yet"... and she says "what's the theme?" and I say "People", and she says "how about me sitting with an umbrella in the rain?"

Of course, it wasn't really raining all that hard.

So I improvised. 

With a hose.

And the first few shots I'd left the lens on manual focus, so we had to do it all again... I'm telling you; I'm a lucky man. She is a keeper. Even if she began to crack up with laughter as the umbrella failed to umbrel.

Aaaaand, it all comes around again! Tomorrow is Tiny Tuesday and the tag is #TT468. No sub-theme; just the best version of tiny you can think of. We had more than seventy entries last week, and I'm a tiny bit excited.

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