This is the day

By wrencottage

Hi-Viz Reflections

We’ve had a quiet day today. Smithers is in quite a bit of pain in his back and shoulders, and isn’t able to walk very far as a result. 

The weather has been brighter than forecast, just a few drizzly spells but a pleasant temperature. 

We went into the pool area earlier this morning when we went over to the hotel for a coffee, and were pleased to see that the pool is looking clean and well on the way to being filled and ready to use, so that’s good news for all the folk who are coming up at the weekend.

This afternoon we managed a short walk to check on the progress of the exterior of the leisure centre. It was good to see that the solar panels on the roof are now in the process of being fitted. I saw these two chaps walking past, and liked the way their hi-viz jackets were reflected in the tarn beside them.

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