Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


in a gust of wind this afternoon :)

What a day!

It started last night, when I was still awake at 1am.  I had a piece of cake at my small group without realising it had banana in it (being allergic/intollerant of them) ...and all night my stomach was was horrid.  

Add to that my stupid leg was badly restless and of course the more its restless, the sorer it gets :(:(  I really can't wait to get to the wretched knee clinic for 'assessment'...but no choice.

Eventually slept a little at 4am, but then woke again, and only dozed until after 7...

I just about managed to get to the job centre but have done little else - and actually went to bed this afternoon to doze a little (having fallen asleep on the bus home - dangerous because I could have missed my stop!!)

So I have done nothing towards my video, which is going to have to  be a really quick one tomorrow very early. Really hope I can sleep better tonight...

In other news, I'm a step closer to having all my new services set up, with my mobile phone number transferred to the new provider.  Just waiting for the internet next Thursday, when I need to be at home between 8am and 1pm!

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