A day in the life

By Shelling

To summer camp

My landlord, Martin, needed some help getting the last four cows into the wagon that would take them to their summer grazing. It sounds fairly easy but you can't explain to a cow that everything is going to be fine if you only step into this small, curious looking  thing that doesn't look stable at all. It was all about giving them less and less alternatives, I got them from one field to the one where the wagon was by waving a red stick, they didn't like the waving and fled to where Martin was standing, now we were both waving and got them into the huge stables where a system om gates could be arranged so that the only way forward was through a narrow passage leading to the wagon. I took us an hour and was the workout for the day for me. The job would have been impossible for one man to do on his own, that would probably only lead to panic stricken cows. Now we could do it one bit at the time without scaring them.

In the end it led to cows having a summer grazing somewhere else and that the gates to the field can be left open. Now Martin can clear out all the manure from the stable, which will take him at least a week.

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