This is the day

By wrencottage


It’s been quite an emotional day today, getting ready to go home from Langdale which occupies such a special place in our hearts.

I went out for a last walk to take more memory shots inside and outside the estate while Smithers had gone to settle up our bill. At one point on my walk I bumped into the timeshare general manager, whom we have known since he was a young man just starting out in his first job here. He knows the difficulties we’re now working under, and gave me the biggest hug and promised to do all he can to help us get back again in future. 

As I walked around I was so thankful for all the wonderful times we’ve had up here, and for the enormous blessing this place has been to us as a family, giving us an oasis of stunning natural beauty in which to relax and recharge our batteries. I am so glad that all our sons share our love for the place and are passing it on to their children in turn.

I decided to use this shot of a pile of ‘zen stones’ for my main blip, representing my contemplative state of mind as I walked, but I’ve also added a few more photos in extras, just because ….

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