River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Colours in the Garden

Last night’s rain had gone by this morning and we had a real mix of weather: heavy mist during the day when our little mountain disappeared, some sunshine, grey clouds, quick shower of rain mid afternoon, then clear sky this evening and a waxing three quarters Moon :-)

MrD on deliveries all day whilst I pottered in the garden and did some reading.

Today’s Blips, in no particular order: plant labels for seeds I started off this morning, pale pink flowers on the Horse Chestnut tree, tiny apples on the Bardsey Eating Apple tree, the Red Rose  which grew from cuttings my Dad planted almost 50 years ago when we moved in, pink flowers of red campion, green and white flowers of one of the Astrantia, yellow flowers on the perennial kale, double pink flowers on the Hawthorne - all of these plants are loved by the bees and other pollinators :-))

Continued watching “Wanted” series on Netflix, which MrD and I have enjoyed watching - https://youtu.be/Tr91XMpZ-Ms?si=31E_UusdYBA1r9f3

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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