So many shows...

Well today has certainly been a busy one. A quick 5 miler at 8 this morning, then a day filled with festival shenanigans.

I completely discarded my festival grinch persona at 11am when I scored my first free tickets of the day. I went to six things in the end and my mini review is below. Apart from the launch, the rest were all paid shows (usually about a £10-15 each) but we're good at getting comp or reduced tickets! We've saved a fortune!

1. 12.40 - The Curse of Elizabeth Faulkner. An entertaining wee tale of a family curse with a character that sounded suspiciously like Inigo Montoya. Lots of good show and chaps like talk!

2. 15.00 - Seven Ages (with Kevin Tomlinson). An improvisation show with audience interaction. Kevin is a very talented chap who kept us laughing from birth to death.

3. 17.00 - CIRCA - Wunderkammer. To be honest, I thought we'd made a mistake accepting these freebie tickets when it started. But after 10 minutes, we were thoroughly entertained. A great piece of physical theatre. Sadly, we could only stay for half the show and missed the big finale. I'd go back to see the end.

4. 18.00 - Gilded Balloon Press Launch. EdiSteve had a spare ticket for this so I went along and pretended to be press. We got amazing front row seats and saw about 14 tasters of shows on at the Gilded Balloon. I probably wouldn't go and see any of the shows though. This is a shot of the best one,another physical theatre - I didn't catch the name - but it simply wasn't as good as CIRCA.

5. 20.30 - Adam Kay Is Going For a Number One. I saw Adam Kay at the Pleasance Press Launch last year and loved him. An hour of him today and I thought he was just as good. This was a Christmas themed song show. Very entertaining.

6. 22.00 - The List Festival Party. Hannah won free tickets to this party at Summerhall so we went along to check it out. The best bits - the free drinks, hat and glasses and some unique bird theatre. On the whole though, we thought the company spoiled what could have been a good party.

Now I'm home again about to go to bed, before starting again tomorrow. Night folks!

Today's run: 5 miles
August running mileage: 5 miles
2013 running mileage: 653 miles

Ps sorry for the lack of comments - I'll catch up with you all once I take a breather from the festival!!

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