an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Look who's joined the party

Things have really hotted up in the back garden.
Whilst the carnage of battle continues, between the little cellar people and the insect nation for rule of the back garden, a crack team of little people were sent to investigate the far off trumpet and gunfire noises.

Tom, back from his recent pox mission took up this challenge along with Puny Tim who was also available as is useless at fighting. They had suspicions that insect backup may be on its way so were very surprised with who they actually saw.

They were gutted, it was no other than the MMPKA (Multicultural, Multicoloured Peace Keeping Army) who had taken up camp after hearing about the back garden war. This was not good news as these soldiers had a reputation for meddling in other peoples business, enforcing rule that everyone was always nice and a bit boring, especially on Tuesdays which lets face it is the worst day of the week.

They had to report back the news to the little cellar world so that plans could be made to drive away the MMPKA from the garden. As Tom and Puny Tim left their viewing spot they noticed Krugnott, one of the Bee leaders had also witnessed the MMPKA camp.

The saga draws on......

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