an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Back Garden Superiority

Well no-one was expecting this. The battle for the back garden took another twist today.

After yesterdays stealth mission where both the little cellar people and the insect nation discovered the arrival of the MMPKA (Multicultural, Multicoloured Peace Keeping Army) discussions between the two parties started.

Even though both factions were disgusted with how the others lived their lives, it was agreed that it was more important to cull the threat of boring Tuesdays brought about by the MMPKA.

A plan was hatched to launch a joint attack on the beige brigade who carried the most weight in the MMPKA as they were the flag bearers.

Little Cellar Tyler and Lionel the Bee were chosen to take on the mission. It was to great effect as they flew under the peace keepers radar and straight at the target. Within moments the MMPKA flag of surrender was being waved and the MMPKA were on their way over the fence in all their technicolour glory.

And so with that harmony has come to the back garden between the little cellar people and the insect nation, so maybe the MMPKA did achieve what they set out to but without the need for boring Tuesday.

The end....for now. Lets just hope tomorrow is not boring!

Please note that no insects or little cellar people were injured during the making of this or any other blip that I have undertaken.

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